
KYCHCharles Clyde Hunt Priory No. 42 KYCH
Des Moines, Iowa

Section 1 – Name
The name of this Priory is Charles Clyde Hunt Priory No. 42, Knights York Cross of Honour. Its headquarters shall be at Des Moines in the State of Iowa.

Section 2 – Officers
The officers of this Priory shall be those designated by Section 15 of the General Regulations of the Order. The Eminent Prior, Knight Deputy Prior, Knight Warder, Knight Treasurer-Registrar shall be elected at the Annual Conclave. The Knight Prelate, Knight Orator and Knight Herald shall be appointed by the newly elected Eminent Prior at the time of his installation.

Section 3 – Conclaves
The stated conclave of this Priory shall be the third Saturday in October. The Eminent Prior, Knight Deputy Prior and Knight Warder may vote to move the date of the annual conclave for good and sufficient cause. The hour of assembly and the place of the same shall be specified. Notice of the conclave must be sent to each Knight as provided by the General Regulations of the Order. Special conclaves maybe called according to Section 29 of the General Regulations of the Order

Section 4 – Election of Officers
The Annual Conclave for the election of officers shall be held at the same time as specified in Section 3.

Section 5 – Fees
The fee for reception of candidates into this Priory shall be $35.00 plus the fee paid the Convent General, payable in full when the Petition is presented. The fee for dual membership or for membership by affiliation shall be Ten dollars. (Note: Convent General Fee in 2015 is $150.00).

Section 6 – Finance Committee
Each Prior, at the time of his installation shall appoint a Finance Committee of three (3) members whose duties shall be to examine and report on all moneys received by the Priory and who shall annually, at the time of the Annual Conclave, audit and report in writing on the books of the Registrar and Treasurer. They shall also examine all demands or claims for payment presented to the Priory and shall report on the same.

Section 7 – Order of Business
Unless otherwise ordered by the Prior, the order of business at all stated conclaves shall be as follows:

  1. Reading of Minutes
  2. Reading of Proposals
  3. Balloting on Proposals
  4. Unfinished and New Business
  5. Conferring Ceremony of Induction

Section 8 – Failure to Come Forward
A. Should a candidate, after being notified, fail to present himself by the second annual Conclave after notification the election shall be declared null and void, and the fee deposited shall be returned to the candidate. The original proposer shall be notified of such action. To be eligible for membership the candidate will have to be re-proposed and voted on at a subsequent conclave.

B. Should the candidate notify the Priory in writing of good and sufficient reason as to his failure to come forward the Priory may, by two-thirds of the members present, vote to extend the deadline for one year at a time. If the deadline is extended the fee deposit shall be held by the Conclave.

Section 9 – Banquet Expenses
All expenses for meals and banquets shall be borne by the membership for themselves and their guests. No guest meals shall be paid for by the Priory with the exception of the Grand Master General or his personal representative. This is to include the newly inducted members and their wives.

Section 10 – Memorials
A memorial of Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) shall be sent to the KYCH Research Foundation on the death of a Past Prior or Officer of the Priory.

Section 11 – Amendments
These By-laws may be amended: (1) by introducing the proposed amendment in writing at a conclave of the Priory, which Resolution shall be read, entered on the minutes and laid over to the next or a subsequent conclave, when it shall be acted upon and if two-thirds or more of the members present vote for its adoption and if it is subsequently approved by the Grand Master General, it shall be declared adopted and shall become a part of these By-Laws; or (2) by introducing the proposed amendment in writing at a conclave of the Priory and, if unanimous consent of all present be given, it may be acted upon and if two-thirds or more of the members present vote for its adoption and if it is subsequently approved by the Grand Master-General, it shall be declared adopted and shall become a part of these By-Laws.